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Super Fruits: ideal for refreshing, nutritious drinks

Alimentos SAS • May 26, 2021

Super fruits, compared to other fruits, have a higher content of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Find out some drink alternatives

We have heard before that fruits are good for our health. And this couldn’t be more accurate now that superfoods are way more accessible to everyone. We are referring to foods with a high content of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. Our favorites in this category: super fruits.


They are a group of fruits that stand out from the rest because of their substantial amount of nutrients, ability to prevent diseases, and numerous other health benefits. They are certainly some of the healthiest foods you can eat. Including them in the everyday products will have a positive impact on the general health if they are part of a balanced diet.


What are the benefits of super fruits?


Antioxidants and flavonoids are their main compounds. The combination of these two elements helps to boost the immune system, has anti-inflammatory properties, and lowers the risk of getting chronic medical conditions (Medical News Today, 2019).


Antioxidants, in particular, neutralize free radicals, natural by-products of the body that can cause harm at high levels. They are linked to multiple diseases such as:


  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Arthritis
  • Strokes
  • Diabetes
  • Immune deficiency


Therefore, the regular consumption of super fruits balances the presence of free radicals and antioxidants. And when the whole system is in a good condition, the body will have a healthy complexion, and healthy nails and hair, and energy levels will be high.


3 super fruits frequently used in the beverage industry


1. Strawberries


They are high in antioxidants like vitamin C, anthocyanins, phenolic acids, and flavonoids. These super fruits will help to reduce the risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer (Healthline, 2020).


2. Mango


On top of the antioxidant content, mangoes are rich in fiber, which promotes healthy digestive function. When included in a daily diet, helps to improve chronic constipation and intestinal inflammation (Healthline, 2020).


3. Blueberries


These are the most popular of the super fruits and the healthiest of all berries. Antioxidants combined with plant compounds, reduce the risk of chronic diseases and mental decline in adults (Healthline, 2020).

Super fruits, compared to other fruits, have a higher content of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Find out some drink alternatives -2

Super fruits in the production of drinks


Organic, non-GMO, and healthy ingredients are more important now in consumer buying behavior. And there is a particular growing awareness of the multiple benefits of super fruits. This is one of the reasons the beverage industry is using natural ingredients in alcohol and non-alcohol drinks.




Flavored beers are as old as the Roman Empire. But now that craft breweries are popular around the country, fruits are very present in their recipes. Seasonal brews, especially for summer, use super fruits as part of their main ingredients, creating refreshing fruit drinks. When using puree or pulp over the whole fruit, lowers the risk of contamination during the brewing process.


Natural juices


Juices made at home are not the only ones that benefit from real fruits. Many beverages on the supermarket shelves contain real pulp, therefore all the nutritional properties. Most of them are combined with vegetables or other supplements to enhance their health value.




These fruit drinks are more than just a trend. They are very nutritious, but only if there is a balance of food groups (protein, carbs, healthy fats, and natural sugars). The cleaner the components the more nutritious the drink will be. Most places make them on the spot, which means that having the super fruits’ pulp ready to blend gives an edge to this type of business.


Naturally flavored water


People should be drinking an average of two liters of water per day. But sometimes filtered water gets boring. Flavored water is a good idea to stay hydrated and get all the benefits of natural fruit flavor. Sparkling or still, these products are low on calories and sugars. Some brands even mix different super fruits and herbs, creating drinks that are more refreshing.


The key to a healthy drink is balance. When using fruit puree, you will get the best of super fruits and enhance the nutrition facts of your products. Remember, they will act their best when combined with natural and organic components.

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